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โฆษณา IBM กับ ชาลี แชปลิน ในอดีต IBM TV spot show with Charlie Chaplin

Computer Commercials From 1984

Trivia Questions: What famous silent movie comedian's image was parodied in early IBM computer commercials ?
What famous scientist's partner was parodied in early AT&T computer commercials ?


IBM 5150 PC Widget Int. Commercial with charlie chaplin

IBM 5150 PC Widget Int. Commercial. This was never seen on TV because IBM thought it made fun of big companies Go to www.ibm5150.net for lots more cool stuff about the IBM 5150 PC.

Australian IBM JX PC Commercial 1986 with charlie chaplin


IBM Software Commercial with Chaplin

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Thank you.

IBM Personal Computer AT Commercial: For Advanced Technology

1986 computer TV commercial IBM. Released in 1984 as the 5170, was the second-generation PC, with 6 MHz Intel 80286 processor (later 8 MHz version)


Canadian Television Ad for IBM PC computer software December 1983


Spot IBM (Chaplin)

Sembrava tutto possibile... ma a venticinque anni di distanza...ecco Vista...per fortuna io uso Mac!